We have had a busy week. Lots of errands and chores to work on. The week started out really hot. Over 90. Then it got really cold and kind of rainy. Everyone in my house has caught a cold, the first of the season. We have had freeze warnings for 3 nights straight, that is unusual for this time of year and we have been trying to keep busy doing things inside.
Autumn and I have spent some time working on this Butterfly with hanging curtains, we are going to hang it over her bed when we get her room organized. A big task I must say. I did very little work on this. Just some of the stuff on the butterfly's body and attaching the netting to the butterfly. She has spent hours gluing sequins on it on her own.
I can't wait to get it hung up and get her room finished. That is my project for the weekend and hopefully I can post pictures of finished room on Monday.
I have also been working on my Grandala Blanket for my One-a-Day project. I had experimented on joining as you go and sewing squares together. I wasn't liking how it was looking with the join as you go and asked for opinions. Everyone thought the sewn method looked better, so that is what I went with.
I am so in love with this blanket. However, I recounted and remeasured and realized I needed more squares than I had thought I did. I need 288. I have made 55. That is ok though, I knew it was going to be the biggest project I have ever taken on. I have made a lot of blankets, but they are throws. This one is going to go on my bed.
I made this one for Autumn and I really like how it turned out. It is really soft. Lion Brand Yarn for the whole thing.
I am also working on a cardigan right now and about half way done. I admit I got really frustrated on Tuesday when I tried to decide between the join as you go or sewing for the blanket, and the cardigan was not as much fun that day either, so I took a break and made this little guy for my daughter.
I saw a pattern on the Lion Brand Yarn site, although I didn't use it. It looks to similar though and I don't want to give out the pattern I made. I think it is still basically a copy even though I didn't follow their pattern.
I tried to put the link in for the pattern of the ladybug but, when I went to the site to look for it the pattern finder was down. That is the link to their site though and it is under crochet toys. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will talk to everyone soon.