Sunday, February 3, 2013

Autumn's Afghan Ta Da

 How is everyone today? I am having a wonderful Sunday. I finished Autumn's afghan, the one she designed all by herself. I have to admit that I didn't like it until I started to put the border on. I don't think my husband did either. When I started on the border last night, he said 'the border really makes'. I agree. Now I kind of like it.

She likes it. I still want to make one of these patchwork granny blankets with random color placement and with the colors that I like. This will be her sofa blankie now. It was so easy to make and easy to take one skein of yarn with me to work on the squares whenever I had time somewhere. I would just make a square and leave it unfastened. Then when I went to join the squares I would pull back what I needed to join. I used the join as you go and for most of it I was doing just that. It was only the squares I made away from home that I would make and pull back a little to join. Not a bad way to do it. You have just as much yarn as you need that way.
 We are still having snow and I am still loving it. Will and Autumn are out in it right now sledding. They will be very cold when they get home. I have a couple of hours to myself though and I am loving it. Lazy Sunday. I never even got out of my pajamas today. Not much point now. I will talk to everyone soon. :)