How is everyone today? I am glad the weekend is almost here. My husband doesn't have to work and we can all spend a couple of quiet days together.
I work in the baby room in a daycare and I love it, however once in a while it is nice to have a break and spend the day with the older children. We have a summer program for kids that are Kindergarten age or older. My daughter is part of this group and she has had a great summer. They go on field trips everyday and have done and seen some really neat things this summer. I have a chauffeur's license and when the director can't drive the children on their field trips I get to go. I have gone on 6 so far and I get to go on one tomorrow too. Yesterday I got to take the kiddos to the Quad Cities Botanical Gardens. No matter that we got lost getting there and coming back. That is another story. It is a really neat place in Rock Island Illinois.
These photos were all taken inside in a 'rain forest'.
This waterfall was one of my favorite things.
Lately I seem to have a thing for turtles. Isn't he cool?
Remember, this was all indoors.
This was our guide, Gary, he was showing us a banana plant. You can't really see the banana stalk, it is above him and has a purple tip. This place was really cool.
Here are some of our kids feeding the Koi fish. My daughter is on the top left. I took over 40 photos, this is just an idea of what our afternoon was like. We also got to plant flowers and tour the outside gardens. I have to say that I am really proud of the children. It was around 100F and we were in the van for over an hour both ways. Twelve kids, ages ranging four years old to 10 years old and two teachers, (ages 26 and 44, we were well behaved too). Lol. Tomorrow we are going to Lake Macbride to play at the beach. It will be my last field trip for the season. I have been lucky to get to go on the trips and spend those days with my daughter. Thanks Miss Heather for letting me go and thanks to Miss Siobhan and Miss Rachel helping me have so much fun on these trips.
Now, you know I have to include some crochet. I finished the bag that I was making for one of the college girls that I work with. Here it is.
Another one.
You can sort of see our new house in the background. Here is another teaser.
I was going to line the bag, but I think it is kind of neat just plain. The body of the bag was made with an unbroken piece of yarn, so there were no ends to sew in except for one on one side of the bag where the strap attached.
I created this pattern myself and will post it tomorrow or Saturday. Right now it is written on about 10 pieces of scrap paper. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow. Talk to everyone soon. :)
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Tuesday's Tallies Last Day of July

How is everyone today? I have not made any new squares this week, but I had 21 that needed to be joined and 41 that needed the ends sewn in. I usually do that as I go, but I couldn't find my needles until last week. Moving is so much fun. Especially in July in a heatwave.
I put in an hour a day, when I woke up and was having my coffee. I am really glad I found my needles. Not all of the seven hours was sewing in the ends. Some of it was joining with the cream yarn. That part was fun though. Here is the product of all my work.
I am not sure if putting this out for the birds would be frowned upon around here, but wouldn't this make a pretty nest? Here is my blanket so far.
These pictures are taken with my phone. I need to figure out Instagram. I joined but I am not sure how to put those photos on here. Here is another shot.
Sixty-one squares so far. Only 299 to go. He he. This is going to be a bedspread size blanket. I want it to cover both of us in our bed when the cold weather comes. Ahhh. I can't wait for the cold weather. This has been the hottest and most humid summer since I moved here twelve years ago. I love winter and am eagerly awaiting blanket and sweater weather.
Can you see my living room floor? I promise to show the rest of the house very soon. I have it almost the way I want it. A couple of more things to hang on the walls and a few more books to put away. Almost there.
In case you are new to my blog, this blanket is my project for the One-A-Day group on Ravelry. It is hosted by GingerbreadGirl and she has a link party on Tuesday to show everyone's progress. Go take a look, there are some really neat things being made. Talk to everyone soon. :)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Year Of Projects Sunday July 29, 2012
This has been a really nice weekend. It has been below 95F/35C for two days now. It is still hot, but we have turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows. It feels so good to have some fresh air.
A week ago I made a bag for a co-worker as a gift and then I found out that another co-worker is leaving in a week to back to college. I wanted to make her a gift too, she had thought she was going to stay here and not return to university. Well, I am very proud of her for deciding to go back. That got me thinking about Christmas and that I hadn't put anything on my YOP list for Christmas gifts and birthdays, or other events that I know I will need gifts for. I am going to update my list and I think this with all of my other WIP's will get me through the holidays with plenty to do.
Here is my list.
1. Sidewalk Shawl
2. Japanese Flower Scarf
3. Multi-Stitch Blanket
4. Mom's Blanket
5. Granny Love Blanket
6. My Cardigan
7. Amiga Cowl
8. Sock Yarn Motif Scarf
9. Sock Yarn slippers
10. One completed knit item
Here are the additions.
11. Slouchy tote for my college friend.
I should be done with this tonight. I am writing this pattern as I go and will post it when done.
12. Blanket for Sawyer.
13. Blanket for Wyatt.
14. Blanket for Sarah.
These are my nephews and niece. They all asked for blankets for Christmas. I am planning on using this awesome new yarn I saw. I haven't seen it in any stores ( and I have looked everywhere), but I will order it.
Lion Brand Yarn Homespun Thick and Quick.
You use a huge hook (size N) and it works up really quickly. I can't wait to make their blankets with it. You can make a blanket in a weekend with it. I think I am going to use a ripple pattern for all three.
15. Nativity Scene for my SIL. I think she will really like this. I think it is really neat and she has several Nativity sets.
Hopefully that will be it for the list for awhile. Lol. I have way too many projects on the go right now and feel a bit frenetic. I need to settle down and focus on one at a time. I work on my One-A-Day (Granny Love) a little everyday. I also have two other CAL's going on. The Japanese Flower Scarf and the Sidewalk Shawl. So my goal for the week is to finish the bag and then finish one of the two CAL's. Then the following week I will finish the other. When I have accomplished that I will finish up something else on the list. Focus, focus, focus. Going to have to be my mantra. I will talk to everyone soon. :)
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