How is everyone today? The first week of school is almost over. We had changes at work too. Monday was the day children moved into new rooms with new teachers. Our baby room stayed mostly the same. Two of our boys went up to next room and next Monday my partner comes back with her baby. A fresh start for everyone. Kind of exciting I think. It has been fun watching the older kids get ready for the school bus, I can see them outside the nursery window. The new kindergarteners and new first graders. One of our teachers has a daughter who started middle school. It makes me emotional to watch them all growing up. We have a small staff and of the nine full time employees, 6 of us have kids at the daycare. Either in one of the classrooms or in the Before and After School program. Those who don't have their own children definitely love the kids there like they were their own, so it has been a big week for all of us.
Autumn started first grade. I feel like she was just born and now she is a big kid. Here she is on the first day.
Yes, it was chilly enough for a jacket. Strange since we had such a hot summer and it is 95 right now. On Monday night she asked me to make her a new dress. We had gone to Walmart to get school supplies and she picked out some fabric. I thought the fabric was kind of loud, but she is six. If a six year old can't get away with it then who can? On Tuesday evening I looked through Ravelry for a crochet pattern for the bodice. She wanted me to crochet part of it and I love it when she asks me to make her clothes. I could not find a pattern that seemed just right, so I sat down and figured one out. Yesterday I got off work a little early and came home and made her this dress.
I wanted to keep it simple and it worked up really quickly.
Thank goodness it worked with that crazy fabric. I actually like it. Here is my little model. She wore it to school today.
She had to pose out in our front yard too. I was ready to get going, but she wanted her photo taken by the tree.
This dress took 3 hours start to finish. Much easier than cutting out all different shapes of a pattern. I love to sew, but this was so fast and simple. I will talk to everyone soon. I hope you all had a great week too.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Tuesday's Tallies 21 August, 2012

Tuesday again. School starts today for my little one. She is now a first grader. She has officially left her babyhood behind. I love watching her grow, but I am a little melancholy over how quickly it is all happening. I don't have a first day of school photo, no one is awake yet. It is only 4:30 in the morning.
My progress for the week looks a lot like last weeks progress. I joined all the squares for the fourth strip and made all the squares for the fifth strip. I sewed in all the ends on all of the squares. Yay. Here is this weeks progress.
Here it was last week, you can see it slowly growing.
My goal for this week is to have the sixth row made, joined and ends sewn in by next Tuesday's Tallies post. That will put me 1/3 of the way through the blanket. Remember, I want to finish this by the cold weather. Our nights are already starting to get chilly.
This is my One-A-Day blanket and Carole hosts a link party on her blog. Go see what cool things everyone else is making. Talk to you soon.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Walking To Work and a Ta Dah
How is everyone today? Our weather has finally cooled off a bit and it is really nice. Autumn and I walk to work every morning unless it is raining really hard. School starts tomorrow and she will walk to work with me and then take the school bus from there. I really enjoy the walk.
This is the walk leading from our front door. With all the leaves it looks a little like fall already. It was so hot this summer that some of our trees have lost their leaves.
I love my crocs. I wear them everyday and I am sure they don't make the greatest fashion statement. Oh well.
This is a Century house about a half a block from our home. It is really a neat place. Our little town was established somewhere around 1880. Not old by some standards, but old enough for America.
Years ago this was the high school. Solon built a great big new high school a few years back and this is now our middle school. I think this was built in 1910.
We turn the corner and walk by these neat flower bushes. My favorite part of the walk.
This is the last part of the walk, I just think it is pretty.
I love the windmill behind this garage.
Here we are at our playground.
Here is the front of the daycare.
This is the vegetable garden Autumn and her friends grew this summer.
The veg garden is right in front of the window to my room.
About to go in to start our day. She is wrapped in a towel for swim day. It took me a minute to try to figure out what she was wearing.
I have been trying to redecorate our room before my partner gets back from maternity leave. She comes back on August 27. This weekend I am going in to paint and do a mural on the dividing wall. I will post photos of it when done. This is the beginning of the makeover. Our room is called the Bumble Bees, so I had to make a flower and a bumble bee. It is the first thing you see when you walk in.
I think the bumble bee turned out really cute. (Our cribs usually have sheets on them. I hadn't set up for the day yet.)
The flowers and leaves are felt. I want to make a few more of these little bees for the room.
I can't wait to get the room all finished. I am so excited for my friend to come back to work and she gets to bring her new little baby with her. Yay! He is really cute. That is by far the best thing about our job. We can have our own children with us. You can't beat that. I loved my old job, but I didn't get to see my daughter anywhere near as much as I do now. I also get to work with babies everyday. There is no greater feeling than to know that those little people really love us and really depend on us. I really love them all and I know Ashleigh does too.
I start each work day with the walk and then spend 8 hours in this room with my little friends. How do you start your day? Talk to everyone tomorrow.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Year Of Projects Update, Japanese Flower Scarf
How has everyone been this week? I love these groups that keep me motivated. I have 13 things left on my list, and this one is more than half way done. I have been crocheting up a storm. I have finished another strip of 20 squares for my Granny Love Blanket, I made a ripple. The ripple was a gift, but it was also a test run for some Christmas presents. I made 11 more flowers for my Japanese Flower Scarf. Here it is.
I really love this project. The flowers take longer to make than a granny square does, but I love the yarn and colors so much that it is really nice to work on.
I have decided to put 12 flowers on top and make it 12, 13, 12, instead of the traditional shawl shape that most people make. It will be more of a wrap than a scarf. I am using Debbie Bliss Andes. It is such nice yarn. Definitely the nicest yarn I have ever bought. I hope to finish it this week. I should not have a problem getting it done though. Blocking this will require a lot of pins. Lol. Better make sure I have some. This group is part of The Second Year of Projects with the Come Blog Along group on Ravelry. If you are a crocheter or knitter and don't know about Ravelry, you are really missing out on a cool thing. Go check it out and see what everyone else is working on. I will talk to everyone soon. Have a great Sunday.
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